Music for tv / web
Music for tv / web
Music for Film
Music for Film
Short Film (2017)
A stylized, dystopian, journey.
After the outbreak of a deadly virus, the most valuable resource became breathable air as the remaining population is split into zones and appointed an overseer. Some people gave in to what their world had become, while others formed a resistance movement to insire hope in an environment where the wants of the few outweigh the needs of the many.
Short Film (2017)
A surreal, psychological thriller.
A man's world turns in on itself as he receives mysterious symbols, sees arrows directing his every turn, and tries to discern what is real and what isn't while he struggles with facing the choices that has led him to this surreal moment to begin with.
Whether it’s shooting and capturing behind the scenes footage of the creative process that goes into a particular production or creating diverse video promos for products and business’ that stand out, I aim to manifest appropriate pacing, tonality, stylization and a specific identiy that is unique to each job with the key objective being how customers view you, your product and your business.